Emergency Fund: Women's Health in Disaster Zones

by Taller Salud, Inc.
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Emergency Fund: Women's Health in Disaster Zones
Emergency Fund: Women's Health in Disaster Zones
Emergency Fund: Women's Health in Disaster Zones


Este Fondo de Emergencia ayudara a Taller Salud a cubrir los costos de servicios de justicia reproductiva para las mujeres afectadas luego del terremoto. Mientras las mujeres esperen por vivienda digna y ayuda, trabajaremos para asegurar su salud sexual y reproductiva. \ This Emergency Fund will help Taller Salud cover reproductive justice services for women in the midst of earthquake recovery. While our women await housing and aid, we must work to ensure their sexual and reproductive health.

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Con mas de 700 familias desplazadas, la salud sexual y reproductiva de nuestras mujeres corre riesgo. La destruccion y la respuesta tardia por parte de entidades gubernamentales perjudica la disponibilidad y acceso a servicios de salud. / With more than 700 families displaced, our women's sexual and reproductive health is at risk. The left-over destruction and delayed government response impair the availability and access to health services.


Este proyecto garantizara tanto la disponibilidad como el acceso de servicios de justicia reproductiva para mujeres directamente afectadas por la emergencia sismica. Mas aun, acompanara a nuestras mujeres en estos momentos para que sepan que no estan solas, ni ahora ni nunca. / This project will guarantee both availability and access to reproductive justice services for women directly affected by the seismic emergency. It will serve to let our women know they are not alone, not now or ever.

Long-Term Impact

En el 2020, nuestra organizacion espera seguir construyendo comunidades con nuestras ninas y mujeres, asegurando su bienestar. En estos tiempos de emergencia, garantizar su salud es garantizar un futuro digno. / Looking towards 2020, our organization hopes to keep building strong relationships with our girls and women, ensuring their well-being is secure. In times of emergency, to guarantee their health is to guarantee a dignified future.


Organization Information

Taller Salud, Inc.

Location: Loiza - Puerto Rico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @tsalud
Project Leader:
Alexandra-Marie Figueroa Miranda
Loiza , Puerto Rico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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