Education is fundamental rights of every child in India. However, the children with disabilities are often excluded and not given opportunities for education. The schools are not prepared to deliver good quality education to these children. This project aims to provide good quality education to children with single and multiple disabilities, and mainly are orphan, or single parent. Through this project, the children will receive quality education, and be included in education system.
The children with disabilities have been excluded from mainstream education. The mainstream schools have very negative attitudes towards children with disabilities in India. These children are not treated equally, and are not given opportunity to study. Therefore, they remain illiterate, have low confidence, and always feel dependent on others. The worst condition is of Children with Mental Retardation, Autism and Deaf Blindness. They face lots of difficulties, humility in mainstream school.
The inclusive school has been established to cater quality education to children with disabilities and non disabilities in the inclusive schooling environment. The teachers will be trained to provide need based quality education to children with disabilities along with non disabled children. The children with disabilities will participate in sports, and culture activities. Extra support and Education materials will be provided to children with disabilities. Inclusive schooling benefits for all
Long Term Effects. 1. We will support 300 children (includes children with/without disabilities) to complete education. 2. To Provide Inclusive Schooling Facilities in Rural Areas for quality education 3. To Provide Quality Education through Trained and Qualified Special Educators. 4. To Improve Confidence and level of literacy among children with disabilities. 5. To Set up Model Inclusive School in the state of Gujarat in India
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