We provide free education to over 1000 children in 11 primary and secondary schools in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Peru. Basic education is free in these countries but nothing else. We provide good education and all the extras completely free of charge, everyone deserves the right to free education and that includes all the materials necessary to provide it. We want to continue to provide pens, paper, pencils, art materials, books, text books, everything completely free.
Education is free in these countries but the children are held back from attending school by costs of materials, books, uniform and other stationery that is not free. A child typically won't attend school simply because they can't afford the pens, paper, books and uniform they need to go. This means they miss out on an education. The children that do go have to stop as soon as money runs out so education is often a bumpy road they give up on.
By providing the materials for a child to attend school it means there is no reason they can't go! They don't have to wear a uniform to our school as it is an unnecessary cost therefore it puts everyone in an equal position when going to school. Getting an education allows you to develop out of poverty overtime and this is exactly what you will do by supporting this project. It sounds too simple but it really is paper and pens stopping a community growing.
Over time the community will receive a fantastic level of education, build their self-confidence and grow up ready to take on the world. They will leave school with a great chance at a fantastic job, salary and help their family and community develop out of poverty.