Project Report
| Jun 27, 2011
Field Trip Visit, Education Continues to be a Definite Priority...
By Sylvester Renner | Project Leader
Sylvester, Phillip and some children beneficiaries
Just a few weeks ago, in May 2011, I had the opportunity to travel to Freetown, Sierra Leone and meet a number of the children - beneficiaries of this project. It was a true delight to see their smiling, happy faces. I verified that they are receiving your donations and making steady progress at school.
During our group meeting, I passed on these messages, which I had received from you, encouraging them to focus on their studies and to excel at school. I also encouraged the parents to support their children morally and be a continual inspiration.
My presence and the message of encouragement that I passed on were well received. The parents and children asked me to bring back their warm appreciation to you for your support that has helped to provide books, school supplies and scholarships for the children. Your support truly means a lot to them - much more than you would realize.
Over the past month, I ran into a news article that affirms our commitment to supporting education in Africa:
"Look at how Asia’s extraordinary growth in recent decades was fueled by a determination to invest in “human capital". It is widely understood that Africa’s children will not own the 21st century until their leaders put more emphasis on educating them. Poor, barely literate 18 year olds in a rural area cannot compete for jobs. Neither can they take advantage of the investments being made on the continent.
It seems the critical investment of this century will be how Africa’s children are equipped to prepare for the challenges and chances ahead. There is no time to waste."
We are definitely on the right track - investing into the future of Africa's children. Our continual investment is truly raising the future leaders of Sierra Leone. Thank you so much fro your on-going support!
Feb 24, 2011
This sponsorship has helped me to continue my education...
By Sylvester Renner | Project Leader
Edward and mother
Warm greetings-
It is my pleasure to share with you a brief profile and thank you message from Edward, one of the beneficiaries, who has received a scholarship from funds you have provided.
"I returned from Liberia after the civil war and I I live with a single parent, my mother, who has very little marketable skills and no money to embark on income generating activities. My mother struggled under very difficult conditions to keep me in school I had almost dropped out of school, when I was recommended for the scholarship scheme.
This sponsorship has helped me to continue my education, which is a bridge for me to cross from poverty to self-reliance. My mother and I are very grateful to you GlobalGiving and Develop Africa for your sponsorship. My self-esteem has been restored and I have a hope and a future"
Thank you GlobalGiving donors for continuing to help bring transformation and real change to Edward's and many other lives! Because of you demonstrated commitment to empowering lives, Edward's and many other are well on the path to self-reliance and independence. Many thanks for your support!
Bonus Days: We wanted to take this opportunity to inform you about three upcoming GobalGiving Bonus Days this year. During these days your donations will be matched up to a certain percentage. This would be a great opportunity to make your donation go ever further
- March 16th
- June 15th
- October 19th
Recurring Donations: Have you considered signing up for recurring donations? This is an excellent way to maximize your impact and enable us to do so much more. Looking for a unique gift for yourself or someone else? Give a recurring donation as a gift. GlobalGiving will send a tribute card to the gift recipient.
We welcome your suggestions, comments and feedback.
Committed to empowering the next generation
Nov 15, 2010
Testmonial from Isata - "You have given me hope and a future"
By Sylvester Renner | Project Leader
Isata - Scholarship Beneficiary
Warm greetings.
The new academic school year (2009/2010) is under way and we are happy to report that twenty-seven (27) students have benefited from the scholarship scheme. Two of the students (Thomasia and Timothy) have graduated from primary to secondary school. The parents and students are very grateful to GlobalGiving for sponsoring their children’s education.
Below is a testimonial from Isata, one of the beneficiaries. Your donations are paying for her school fees, and helping to provide books and school supplies.
“I am very grateful to GlobalGiving and Develop Africa for giving the opportunity to go to school. My mother is a poor single parent, hawking / retailing charcoal for our survival. She could not afford to send me to school. I was out of school, helping her sell charcoal until I met the representative of Develop Africa, who helped enrolled me into school, through the sponsorship of GlobalGiving. I promise to work hard and excel in school so that I in turn will be able to help less fortunate children like me. GlobalGiving donors, thank you very much. You have given me hope and a future.”
The photos show some of the children who have benefited from your support and donations. You will notice that they are proudly holding GlobalGiving signs / stickers. In the coming year, we hope to expand the sponsorship scheme to other deprived communities, where there are equally desperate needs for support. We hope to add at least 10 new beneficiaries to the scheme - bringing hope to many more.
With this in mind, we welcome your donations between now and the end of the year that would enable us to continue to impact many more lives like Isata's. Thanks for your support and for making a donation today!
We would also be happy to hear from you - so feel free to send us any comments and suggestions you may have on how we can do even more. We would be so happy to hear from you.
Best wishes
The next generation of leaders
Star beneficiary
scholarship beneficiary