This project provides 720 impoverished children and youth in Nicaragua with the opportunity to further enrich their education. The normal school day is only 4 hours, and Fabretto provides an additional 4 hours of educational enrichment and a school-lunch program to support proper nutrition for focus and growth in a community that is malnourished. In addition to teacher training & school materials, Fabretto offers computer & English classes, sports, arts, music, school gardening, & tutoring.
In Esteli, Nicaragua, 30% of the population lives in conditions of chronic poverty, which is extreme levels of poverty. Many parents barely can afford to feed their children, much less afford enrolling them in school. These circumstances translate to children growing up malnourished, lacking an education, and working in the streets or fields. The teachers also lacking high-quality training, limited resources, and some even education, create limited pathways for progress.
This project provides adequate teacher training and workshops, parent-community meetings and involvement, as well as supports the daily school-lunch program for adequate nutrition of the students, and school materials and extracurricular supplies. This holistic approach ensures children will received a success education that provides hope and opportunity for a brighter future.
There are 720 students & children that will benefit from a better education in the Esteli community because of this project. Additionally, there are 17 teachers that will receive training workshops to improve teaching methods. Fabretto's model that targets multiple facets of living in poverty, in addition to focusing on education and teachers, it also helps reduce chronic malnutrition through the daily lunch program.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).