Project Report
| Sep 2, 2021
Back to school Report Semester I
By James Oyugi Were | Founder/Director
This project is doing well and covering more numbers. out of the 10 students that JWF sponsors, three of the sat for kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams and qualified for university. one of the student is going to pursue Medicine at the university of Nairobi, one is pursuing acturial Science at Egerton university while the third student pursuing Civil engineering at the Technical university of Kenya.
It has been a privildge for JWF and partners to come to the rescue of these deserving students. They will now pursue their dreams and this wil bring hope to their families.
JWF manged to sponsor three more students who joined Form one ( grade 9), we had a lot of demand but was not able to meet the demand as many needy students performed so well in their exams. we are still restricted to funding a bigger number as we still lack proper funding from well wishers and partners. it is our hope that very soon we shall attract funding to sponsor more than 100 students within the four counties that we reprsent.
we paid school fee to our 7 continuing students who are also working so hard to emulate the performance put forward by the three students who are now joining university.
it is our sincere hope that we shall walk this journey togther with friends and partners to make this happen.
God bless you all.
May 6, 2021
Back to school report semester II
By James Oyugi Were | Founder/Director
Hello Friends and Partners. I hope this finds you well. we are doing fine and getting ready for back to school by monday 10th May, 2021. It has been tough on school programs due to the Covid -19 pundemic.
JWF has tried copying up with difficult situation of raising money to keep the needy students in school. we still have 10 under sponsorship program and waiting to admit another 5 in July 2021 when the new year starts. The outbreak of the Coronavirus made Kenya school term dates to change.
we had our primary school KCPE candidates and high school KCSE candidates take their exams in March 2021. Both primary and Secondary candiadtes are very ready to Join grade 9 and colleges/university this coming July and September 2021.
JWF is still mobilizing more resources to make this dream of taking high school students to school.Together with partners and friends we will make it happen. We have very challenging cases this year with five students passing their exams scoring 400 marks over possible 500, some of the cases are extreme but we believe with your prayers and support, we will manage and make it happen. I also want to friends that two our students under sponsorship are also transiting to the university.
JWF is still making more effort in networking and connecting with friends and partners to help us achieve our goals and objective.Yes we can.
Feb 26, 2021
Back to school report
By James Oyugi Were | Founder/Director
Hello friends,
Ii hope and trust that you are doing okay, the year 2020 was with alot of challenges as Covid-19 came calling shutting down our education system.
We have really struggled with our children staying at home with parents for 9 months that is March-September 2020. James were foundation came up with a detailed program of mentoring our students during this pandemic until September last year when grades 4,8 and 12 were allowed back to school. JWF managed to take and sponsor tero students who are in grade 12. They are really doing well and posting good results. We hope to see them registering straight distinctions and joining public universities come July this year.
This year was a better one compared with last year. The year of hope as all students reported back to school. JWF took back another 8 students to other grades in high school , grades 9 to 11. We offered full scholarship to all our 10 students and we hope that bu July 2021 when we are starting our new year, we shall have more partners and friends to help us sponsor more students. Our goal is forgetting 65 to 100 students for full and merited scholarships for the needy and bright students.
We still put our strong prayers that all will be well. We still monitor our students and make sure that a follow up is done and FPEs are supplied to them in school. God will continue to provide for them. This new year has also come with new challenges as people in the slums cant raise school fee, provide FPEs and provide food for their families aa Covid 19 has made most people lose their incomes in different ways, life has become unbearable. There is light at the end of the tunnel with James Were Foundation. God bless you.