Life Stitches enables HIV/AIDS mothers in Northern Uganda with sewing skills to earn income and through economic empowerment combat the AIDS related stigma they face in their daily lives.
Prevention Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) medical programs in Arua Uganda are helping HIV/AIDS mothers prevent spread of AIDS to their newborns. However, just living with HIV/AIDS has tremendous social/economic stigma. Mothers and infants risk domestic violence and rejection by their families or communities. This project enables firty PMTCT mothers to acquire marketable sewing skills and personal income. It provides a better quality of life and options to overcome AIDS Stigma.
Life Stitches provides economic empowerment by teaching marketable sewing skills and providing a market for sewing products. This empowerment helps HIV/AIDS women earn income and combat AIDS related stigma encounted on a daily basis.
Use this project as a prototype to replicate across Uganda to other PMTCT Peer Support Groups of HIV/AIDS women. Economic empowerment inherent in this model will help overcome AIDS stigma and and barriers to enrollment in AIDS prevention programs.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).