Education is back bone of Development of every society. Education is fundamental right of child but remote rural areas of Sindh in District Shaheed Benazir Abad are deprived of this right to education. NDF has adopted self-made 03 Roshni schools from NGO that existed from area in Tesils Sakrand and Kazi Ahmed. NDF will keep continue services of Education through donations & limited resources of NDF to keep educating 1000 children in need. Parents are very poor to bear fee of child.
Remote rural areas of Sindh are deprived of Basic Primary Quality Education. One NGO opened 03 Roshni Schools with free Education in Private School, the sustainability of function of school was big challenge. NDF adopted 03 Roshni Schools of Nawabshah as NDF did in Thatta then handed over to Government. Now 03 Roshni Schools are responsibility of NDF to manage its function, student dresses, shoes, solar lights & the Transportations. NDF needs your kind attention to make it happen.
NDF has adopted 03 Roshni Schools to educate 1200 children. NDF has hired teaching & non-Teaching staff with Monitoring of Schools. NDF will meet expenses through NDF limited resources & the Donations. In this way NDF will contribute in area in the field of Education against NDF's Social Responsibility.
The School projects are long term, the schools are elementary stages, a boy can do 1st Grade to Matriculate from same School. Its long term impact that 1200 children will continue their basic education to secondary level without gap, this will be great contribution of NDF in Education sector in rural area of Sindh.
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