2 in 3 Nepali students fail their 10th grade exams. Two million children are out of school from last year's devastating earthquake, and this number is only getting worse -- these children need a place to learn, play, and grow. With your help, Diyalo is rebuilding schools to provide quality education for rural Nepali children, one school at a time.
The recent earthquake damaged nearly 50,000 classrooms, affecting more than two million school-going children. These children, mostly in rural areas, are at risk of being pushed into extreme poverty in the communities we work with. The only primary school in Sewalung was completely damaged by the second earthquake of May 12, 2015, affecting approx. 250 primary-school children. These children are currently out-of-school and are at risk of being pushed into forced child labor for wages.
Diyalo builds and runs schools in collaboration with local communities and the government, while monitoring project accountability and sustainability. We have begun to construct our Sewalung school through our 1/3 collaboration model: (1) the community has dug the foundation for the building and provided locally available materials, (2) the government has provided two teachers. (3) Diyalo provides the financial resources and skilled manpower needed to operate and finalize the school.
The project will initially educate 120 children per year, empowering them with the educational scaffolding they need to continue their studies into high school and beyond. The school farm will be a classroom for Sewalung community farmers to learn from a Diyalo farm administrator. Our school will provide sustainable education for generations of students to come, increasing food security and improving the agricultural economy of Nepal overall.