study group
Project Name - Sierra Leone Mudslides Recovery
Project Leader - Kaprie J G Thoronka Membership - Super Star
Funding - USD 2,500 = SLL 18,750,000
Report Period - March to September 2018 (school opening)
Funding Partners in the Project:
Global Giving Foundation: supported the Sierra Leone Mudslides Recovery that made the provision.
Anne Frank Fonds: supported the removal of girls from their husband homes to be educated.
Pastor Bradley Webb - USA: Supported teachers (From the YUA School) on holiday study group classes.
The Relief Sector of ChildHelp Sierra Leone, is a disaster emergency relief activity that aims at building real bridges into society with a mission to meet the need of children and their families in rural communities, who had suffered and experienced the worst mudslides and flooding hits, with their houses, properties and lives submerged and damaged from July to September 2017. Thousands of people including children were killed and flooded. Today, thousands has been displaced and migrated, unable to rebuild and restore their lives, hope and normalcy. Thousands are also relocated to different places including the rural provincial communities. Affected school going children and youths where also relocated to access better education, livelihood, water and sanitation facilities.
a) Since August 2017, ChildHelp has been part of the disaster relief development for those affected by the flooding and mudslides for relocations to their rural provinces in places such as Looking Town – Makeni, Gbendembu, Kalangba, Manjawor and its surroundings. Meetings and consultations for relocations with authorities were done in the best interest of children, aged 7 - 19 years from the affected flooding zones in Freetown and in other flooded communities in the Bombali district.
b) August 2017: 93 affected school children identified were relocated and provided with emergency relief in the form of food, education, health and housing facilities.
c) September to November: 115 affected school children identified were also relocated with support
d) August to February 2017: GlobalGiving Foundation provided a grant of USD$ 3,865 to reach affected school children relocated with food, clothing, health and livelihood. 82 Family heads of the affected children were supported with ongoing activities - farming and income generation is for these coming raining seasons that will help them take care of their children relocated in their new settlement.
e) March to September 2018: Global Giving provided a grant of USD 2,500, to reach 115 school children identified in September to November 2017, to provide them with the following:
i. Provided used clothing, Books, School fees and school uniforms to access basic education.
ii. Provided buckets and cups for safe water drinking as an hygiene practices for better health, home nutritional supplies to be used during studying group sessions for better health,
iii. Engaged community members on the value of accessing and retaining in schools,
iv. Supported 9 school children Study Groups for learning through the provision of a safe place to study,
v. Held 6 monthly school children’s interface meetings at school levels, monitor and supervise the project implementation jointly with the community, school managements and general stakeholders.
vi. Provided topics relevant to school childrens daily lives during the study group sessions on Saturdays only.
ChildHelp supported school children and youths in the following areas:
115 school children aged 7- 19 years were relocated and registered in various schools and centers for support.
The provision started in March 2017 and ended September 2018 when schools reopened.
Areas of support:
a) 115 beneficiaries were provided with used clothing for daily use at homes which cost $250.70
b) 34 girls were provided school uniforms - $385.33
c) 17 boys were provided with school uniforms - $385.33
d) 51 school children were provided with 2 packets of exercise books - $306
e) 51 school children fees (34 girls and 17 boys) at primary level for 2 terms only - $544
f) 115 drinking buckets and sanitary pads were provided to both boys and girls - $383.33
g) Slight food provided during studying hours (3 days in a week) to 115 school children – $416.85
h) Monitoring exercises to make sure that the provision reached the beneficiaries - $ 50.58
The Outcome and achievements shows the many way forward and openings that can promote sponsorship support to reach the victims in their local communities, providing access in their underserved communities.
Such experience learnt and constraints faced brought experience as ingredient and catalyst, fitting for the continuation and undertaking of such activity, to expel and ensure provision of educational access and retainment for these victims affected by the Mudslide and Flooding in Sierra Leone. This support addressed the issue of school children left behind and has hold tremendous potential to improve their education, health and living conditions. The project team and its engagement with the community stakeholders and school authorities created education for those left behind to be very meaningful and important, as an awareness raised has actively impacted the high marked neediest group for support.
Sierra Leone Mudslides Recovery came as a reflected issue from the disasters that took place in Freetown and in the Bombali district from July to September 2017, to improve the lives of those children who were relocated with their parents, gaining them admission and supporting their accessing and retaining in schools from March to September 2018. This project is strategically an activity that builds up and empowers affected children with love and care.
The issue of Sierra Leone Mudslides Recovery is building more rooms for our Local community stakeholders and the Council, the school children and the 4 operational communities on children supports. This Project is an ongoing activity aiming at supporting 115 school children, but has now reach 389 school children since August 2017. Upon relocation, beneficiaries’ parents/caregivers do lack of financial support to provide the necessaries needed for their children to access and retain in school. Global Giving Foundation’s support provided used clothing, uniforms, and exercise books for targeted school children, to access and retain in school up to 2018 August/September. Their provision of used clothing to protect their skins and buckets for safe water drinking, to protect them from taking in or contacting sicknesses and diseases improved their hygienic situation. Slight foods were provided occasionally and minimal only during school children study sessions in 9 centres. During ChildHelp project team visits, they share with them issues of concern which includes gender-based violence, early child marriage, social change, leadership, change agents, stories and dialogue. 274 school children were added to 115 school children making it 389, to access the study group activities as from May 2017. These 274 are also those affected whose parents cannot afford. Most of these girls within the 274, has been already handed over by their parents/caregivers to men as childbrides.
The project team was able to bring them out of their husband houses to access and retain in schools supported by Anne Franks Fonds. These girls also took part in the study group activities. This has been successful. The numbers of pupils attending each study group (9 study groups) increases every week in all centres as study group activities are free of charge. The sponsored study locations has become very interesting place for child networking, expressing concerns and issues, which has change their attitudes, raised their awareness for improvement in their learning and communities. By providing such relief, it helps the beneficiaries recover their strength and learning facilities they lost because of the disaster. Their parents/caregivers were also happy for such relief as money now gained will be used for other purposes. The ChildHelp team visits and interviews of children in school and beneficiaries parents/caregivers were based on the learning progress with teachers and community leaders, with face-to-face interviews, on positive and negative issues, including gender-based violence, abuses and harassment of girls during school hours. Arising issues from the interviews were addressed and dealt with, in the presence of the school authorities. Other cases are transferred to appropriate authorities for actions. The team is also a strong key stakeholder in defining, communicating and reinforcing expectations for those disaster school children, especially the girls.
The beneficiaries are doing well during these learning process and study group sessions. They scored well in their promotional exam, that’s means; they used the study group period well and learnt different life-skills, which is a major step in making their success meaningful, with encouragement provided such as light food during study group hours. The beneficiaries work hand in hand in their schools and in their study groups. Their output from school and study groups impact new waves in social and educational system that unleashes their power.
Staff and volunteers including the local community stakeholders detailed project indicators, achievements, minutes of meetings, listing of participants, reporting and their effectiveness in undertaken the project in a well timely and plan manner. Beneficiary’s interactions share their deepest feelings and stories on issues addressing their basic needs and gender equality. Beneficiaries were able to learn, respect time, their peers and their school teachers, study very hard with visions to effect change in their own lives.
Many questions raised by beneficiaries are connected with the position of their government and the international community, on what values do they have for them being affected by the disaster and what future plans do they have for them, since they have lost their loved ones? How can they effect a change in the world, when the issues of children are not on their AGENDA? Visibility of Global Giving Foundation and their individual supporters, Anne Franks and other were made known. Beneficiaries were blessed to have friends who care for them. Beneficiaries promised partners to do well as long as they will continue in their support toward them. Through focus discussion with 233 children, they requested that governments should be pressured to make a real decision and keep to their promises for their children not to be left behind.
The commitment of beneficiaries and their parents/caregivers according to the project concept as an eye opener, caused them to be serious, to access and retain in school, to stand out and voice their needs. The study group network contribution brought changes against negative impacts that put an end to silence and isolation and powerlessness, through their network activities.
Local participation was encourage during meetings with invited guests from Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Childrens Affairs, children’s clubs and other action agencies where refreshment was given and recommendations were made. The ChildHelp Project team quality and frequency of collecting content, accessing information from children, their parents/caregivers from schools and their communities was successful. The public – readers, listeners and viewers were encouraged and participated via community radios to add comments and reactions as well as influence content by providing suggestions and questions. Audiences were encouraged as they interact with Project Team on and off project sites. Such performance was really interested. From their participation in school and study group meetings, discussions and interactions, we see challenging performance, moving for progress, putting an end to silence and isolation, and found a place to express their concerns and aspirations, learning together to find solutions to their barriers and connecting with each other.
a) Sponsored 115 school children (boys and girls) aged 7-19 years to access basic education (from Monday to Friday) and study groups in 9 centres (from Thursdays to Saturdays – 3 hours each) followed by one day visit discussion on topics such as education, child marriages, gender-based violence, abuses and neglect for an hour only.
b) Beneficiaries building a defined group network to be untapped resources of problem solvers and strategist in learning.
c) 9 study groups established sharing responsibility and embracing each other that make changes in the lives of school children within their study groups and schools.
d) The number increased from 115 to 389 in the study group centers activities.
e) Beneficiaries envisioning better futures and start down brave paths towards those new destinations.
f) Beneficiaries were given the right supports to gain access to education.
g) Isolation and silence are two equally potent forces beneficiaries are dealing with.
h) Beneficiaries were trained to connect with each other, as their lives are transforming.
i) Updates focusing on donors contributions and implementation of Sierra Leone Mudslides Recovery Initiatives
j) Weekly or bi-weekly updates focusing on beneficiaries learning activities
k) 65% local participation of the public via community radio.
During these 7 months, we see beneficiaries with the spirit to return to school, access and retain in schools.
From such, we learnt as well of the following gaps and issues:
We understand the myriad of problems that affected the school children and the needs in the studying centres, which we were able to stand and break such barriers, united and forge ahead. ChildHelp is the first organisation that has organised studying centres with supports, which need more attention. It was organised FREE for school children. The study centres need more facilities to allow school children to contribute to issues affected them which is not accepted during their learning process in schools. School children over 14 years asking for an internet connection facilities to be included in their package, to access information and communication, such facility will be provided when funds are available.
The setting up of these centres has helped the communities to keep their children busy after school hours. With the availability of paid facilitators, children became effective during their study group classes and this made them passed their entrance exams. Though Cultural and local attitudes were acting as a barrier to access such facility, for fear of child violence which includes sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy, materials were developed to encourage participation that changed such attitudes; this materials includes Child Safeguard and Maltreatment policies, to make sure that, a child especially girls, are protected during studying period unto returning at home safely. ChildHelp research shows the important of the involvement of fathers, mothers, boys and men in realizing positive health and education outcomes for these school children.
We also learn that this project will empower these school children that has returned back home, will inherit a greater vision of how they will be leaders of tomorrow, if continued support is provided. There is enough strength and conviction in the school children to overcome every obstacle.
From school learning, teaching, discussion and focus group meetings, we learned that the project have more investment in the school children. We see school children as beneficiaries working together with the same aim of attitudinal change and using the services well.
More financial support is needed for transportations and provision of more supports for school children in schools and study centers. There is an increase of school children. School and learning materials are in short supply. Support is not sufficient for project staff on their monitoring exercise and data collection. More support needed for facilitators to attend to study groups in different centers. 3 out of 6 days were chosen for study groups’ activities. Study group activities should be from Monday to Saturday mornings. Non-registered school children use the study centers freely under the supervision of the Project team but have less support. The project has created a tension in the school communities.
There is a rise in the need for learning and study group centers. ChildHelp will continue to focus and concentrate to support these beneficiaries to access such opportunities. ChildHelp team is committed to efforts, energy, innovation and talent to enact measurable and efficient interventions to eradicate child’s illiteracy and improve their access and retentions in school. To effect a change, we encourage partners to support us meet the needs of these school children.
Thanks and appreciation to our caring Global Giving Foundation and its donors for provisions made possible, Anne Franks Fonds and Pastor Bradley Webb and friends who made this project possible. You are all, our fine partners. God bless you.
buckets purchased ready to be supplied
refreshment during study hours
study group
Teacher for a study group
community engagement
study group sessions with topics on life-issues