Digital Transformation for schools in Burundi

by Computers For Schools Burundi
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Digital Transformation for schools in Burundi
Digital Transformation for schools in Burundi
Digital Transformation for schools in Burundi


The project goal is to facilitate the digital transformation for Burundi's education system, It will equip fifteen schools with ICT Labs with 300 computers connected to Internet for students to learn ICT ,digital entrepreneurship and research. The project will also train 300 teachers, who will instruct the ICT curriculum for 18,000 students from those schools. It will prepare Burundian youth for the ability to compete in the global economy with needed skills for Innovations and job market

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There are actually more than 5,200 schools (Primary and secondary) and 2million students in Burundi, only less than 1 % of those students have access to the ICT materials and digital practical skills. However, Computers for Schools Burundi in partnership with Burundi government and sponsors are working tirelessly to promote the digital transformation In Burundi's Education system by providing computers to schools and train teachers and Youths in ICT and digital entrepreneurship


Digital transformation in the schools of Burundi project will provide 300 computers to fifteen schools and opening 15 ICT Labs connected to internet, training 300 teachers, who will later facilitate to instruct the ICT Curriculum for students in the classes.

Long-Term Impact

The project endeavours to provide equity of access to education, innovation and digital transformation through ICT professional learning for more than 18,000 students from 15 schools of Burundi, this will help them to become self-reliant and can be able to compete for regional and international job market and startUps innovation.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Computers For Schools Burundi

Location: MUKAZA - Burundi
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @http://www.twitter/CFSBurundi
Project Leader:
Emmanuel Ngendakuriyo
MUKAZA , Bujumbura Burundi
$639 raised of $190,875 goal
11 donations
$190,236 to go
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