Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants

by Potomac River Clinic
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants
Provide Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations for Infants


We will purchase an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) system to become a Diagnostic Center and provide specialized hearing testing free-of-charge to uninsured infants identified as having possible hearing loss. We will serve 30-50 infants annually from under-served areas of Washington, DC who are at risk of having untreated hearing loss. Currently there are only three clinics in the city that provide diagnostic testing for infants, which leads to long wait times and delayed intervention.

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monthly donors


Chattering Children seeks to serve infants who are at risk of having undetected hearing loss, by providing testing and diagnostic services. If hearing loss is detected in newborns, they are referred for hearing evaluations. Long wait times at Diagnostic Centers, lack of insurance and transportation obstacles can lead to a delay in diagnosis and intervention. Left untreated, hearing loss in early childhood causes a cascade of other delays in language, cognition and social development.


Chattering Children will purchase an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) system, making it one of four Diagnostic Centers in Washington, DC with the hopes of serving 30-50 infants annually. Chattering Children has the clinicians, expertise and space to conduct these evaluations on infants in a timely fashion and to provide recommendations and follow-up counseling. Funds raised will also help us provide hearing evaluations and counseling at no cost to uninsured infants and arrange transportation.

Long-Term Impact

Untreated hearing loss can have a devastating impact on the language development, socio-emotional and academic growth of children. Children in under-served areas are vulnerable due to obstacles such as long wait times, transportation and lack of insurance. As a Diagnostic Center proactively working with local agencies and in the community, we can help abate this problem long-term by ensuring that as many children as possible receive proper diagnosis and timely intervention so they can succeed.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Potomac River Clinic

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jennifer Lynch
Washington , DC United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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