In May 2020, a powerful cyclone hit India and Bangladesh, causing death, injury, and damage to thousands of homes. ActionAid is responding in the most affected communities through long-standing community partnerships, coordinating relief efforts and driving change that lasts.
Cyclone Amphan has been devastating for the poorest and most marginalized people in Bangladesh and India, who are already battling Covid-19. Heavy rains, flooding, the destruction of homes and farmland increase the likelihood of the virus spreading, particularly in densely populated areas like the refugee camps in Cox's Bazar. This is a triple crisis of hunger, disease, and extreme weather.
With ActionAid's support, local women leaders have carried out risk assessments, shared information, evacuated families to local cyclone shelters, and coordinated support at the shelters, ensuring families have access to food, medicine and separate areas for women and girls. As part of our COVID response, we center the needs of the most marginalized, particularly working with 5,000 homeless families, 1,000 domestic workers and 2,500 families of informal workers living in slum areas.
ActionAid's response is community-driven, women-led, and rights-based, which means your donation today invests in change that lasts. Your gift helps us respond to this crisis, sustains long-term disaster preparedness, and supports human rights around the world.