The campaign aims to preparedness and prevention of COVID-19 infection in all SEMA facilities to reduce any possible mortality or morbidity rate in Northwest of Syria.
Hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians in Northwest of Syria are at risk from COVID19 infection in light of weak preventive and curative measures. The hospitals in Northwest of Syria has the capacity of 100 beds of Intensive care units (ICU), while the population is reaching 3 million, and the expectation that if COVID19 spread in NWS then no less of 100k of population may need hospitalization and 10% of them may need ICU, which means that it will be out of health sector capacity in the time
As Part of inter-agency preparedness plan for the pandemic of corona virus COVID, SEMA response will focus on the prevention part in coordination with health cluster, WHO, health authorities and partners and this project will aim to response in the preparedness of its staff and facilities in northern west of Syria, to contribute into the limitation of the pandemic spread and to raise the capacity in the prevention and curative side of health sector.
1. Ensure the Infection prevention and control in 6 hospitals & 13 PHCs supported by SEMA with raising the awareness in 31 targeted communities and camps through outreach workers. 2. Provide sufficient environment for Case management and referral for suspected cases in 19 health facilities and 8 mobile clinics supported by SEMA. 3. Secure the Operational support and logistic costs for the targeted health facilities for active and effective coordination with other partners and health authorities.