Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi

by Twins International Kenya
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Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi
Health and Social Care for 2500 kids in Nairobi


Our project creates a high potential clinical service in Nairobi slums for 2500 children and their families affected by the COVID emergency. We provide medical care through home visits with community health workers, nurses, doctors and social workers to assist children in all their needs, especially those with chronic diseases such as HIV and sickle-cell anemia who can't interrupt their treatments, distributing medicines and food packages to ensure the well-being of the whole family.

total goal
monthly donors


The arrival of COVID-19 in Nairobi has created chaos and danger inside the slums. We work in Korogocho and Dandora slums, where our 2500 children live in sheet metal shacks with families of 5 to 10 people. Life in the shantytowns is crowded, dense, without hygiene, toilets, and often without water or electricity. The government has shut down the schools, the only place in the slums where children study, eat, and feel safe. Children face high risks of abuse, malnutrition, and health issues.


The project will bring food, medical treatment and education for the children in the slums. Through these activities, we guarantee that: families in need have enough to feed themselves, to avoid the risks of malnutrition; children receive basic medical care through the distribution of medicines and home visits, and those who are chronically ill continue life-saving therapies; children continue to study with the materials prepared by their teachers so that they do not lose them during the year.

Long-Term Impact

Collaboration between community health workers and specialized doctors and nurses will bring training and good practice to community clinics in the slum; the provision of protective equipment and basic medicines for a community dispensary will allow the slum population easy access to medical care. Continuity of education will ensure that children remain in the school circuit so that they continue to progress. Home care (both food and healthcare) will ensure survival for the neediest families.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Twins International Kenya

Location: Nairobi - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Francesca Mannina
Nairobi , Kenya
$5,092 raised of $10,000 goal
87 donations
$4,908 to go
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