We will provide vegetable seeds, organic fertilizer and pesticides and training to 3,000 poor households in order for them to start their individual backyard vegetable gardens, remain healthy and well and have steady sources of income and nutrition during this very challenging times.
The Covid 19 pandemic has forced local communities to be on lock-downs with most people especially the elderly and the youth forced to stay home. With nothing to do and with little economic support, there is a tendency for them to succumb to depression. In this situation, anger, violence and frustration is prevalent. Backyard vegetable gardening is one of the best solutions since it offers multiple benefits namely, exercise, food, nutrition, income and improved mental conditions.
Backyard vegetable gardening is therapeutic as one becomes happy and satisfied seeing plants grow. Aside from the tremendous health benefits, gardening also provides food, nutrition, income and food security to the so many poor families who are often dependent on food amelioration given by local authorities which is not sustainable and only short-term.
Improvement in the lives, health, nutrition and food security of very poor families is achieved by the simple backyard home gardening activities. There is very little input that we will provide in order to achieve synergy of beneficial benefits.