Amid the health and socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19, Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian crisis that is deteriorating every day. Millions of Afghans are at high risk of famine during this ongoing pandemic. The situation is more dire in the communities stigmatized due to race, religion and their support for the U.S. mission in the past 20 years. The Foundation is planning to provide emergency aid relief for students, teachers and vulnerable families in these difficult times.
According to WHO, 178,996 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 7685 associated deaths have been reported in Afghanistan since February 2020. The health sector is on the brink of collapse after the fall of the Afghan government, and shortage of medical equipment and supplies are among the main challenges. Though all Afghans suffer, the situation is more dire for Hazaras who are further marginalized due to race, religion and their support for democratic values in the past 20 years.
Our goal is to provide a small assistance for the most basic needs of students, faculty and staff, and vulnerable families in the underserved Hazara communities in Kabul and in the provinces. In collaboration with the community leaders on the ground, the aid will be either in the form of cash assistance or a package including flour, mineral-rich grains, cooking oil, and hand-washing soap.
Hazaras are going through one of the most difficult chapters in Afghan history under the current regime. They are deliberately sidelined from the ongoing humanitarian aid by Afghanistan's current rulers due to race, religion and their support for the U.S. mission in the past 20 years. The Foundation's aid package will help teachers, staff, students and at-risk families during this extraordinarily difficult period to have access to basic necessities to support their survival and resilience.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).