Project Report
| Jul 27, 2021
Scaling-up gardening initiative
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
![supporting the elderly and their families]()
supporting the elderly and their families
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our initiative providing food for the elderly during this coronavirus pandemic. We are happy to report that during this time, vaccine has already arrived and is beginning to be administered by the government department concerned. However there are elderly people that resist being vaccinated they are afraid as a result of misinformation from some quarters. We are striving our very best to counter this and provide the right information the best we can. During this reporting period and having in mind the need to sustain our effort to provide food, we decided to distribute vegetable seeds and organic fertilizer to the elderly and their families. Added to our effort is the conduct of seminar on how to do proper backyard gardening activity and in so doing get good harvest from their vegetables. We are able to distribute vegetable seeds and other inputs to 230 beneficiaries during this period. Hoping for your continuing support.
Very sincerely yours,
Mar 31, 2021
Direct food deliveries
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
![Elderly support]()
Elderly support
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our project food delivery for the elderly during this Coronavirus pandemic. Instead of slowing down the pandemic continue to infect a lot of people and our situation is becoming dire day by day. The need for the elderly to stay home is imperative and we focus our assistance during this reporting period to providing them with food comprising rice, canned goods, dried fish, noodles and other home essentials. We are selecting elderly whose family could barely provide for them as well as those with ailments. We also focus our assistance to those who are affected by the recent calamities for example the typhoon that ravaged part of our island last February. Our long-term approach in this situation given that the pandemic may be long term is to provide small livelihoods to the families where the elderly are living. This maybe their relatives or friends. A total of 2,300 elderly were supported with food packs during this period. Hoping for your continuing generosity.
Very sincerely yours,
Cora Sayre
Dec 2, 2020
Food always in the home
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
![Distribution of seedlings]()
Distribution of seedlings
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our initiative providing food for the elderly during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic. The situation is dire in remote villages and we decided to focus our effort to the provision of long-term support instead of the food packs which is consumed within the day or week of delivery. With technical support from the municipal agriculture office in a municipality here, we launched a vegetable gardening support for the elderly. We were able to provide support to 230 elderly during this reporting period by providing them with vegetable seedlings and organic fertilizer. We decided on providing seedlings instead of seeds because the seeds are very tiny and it is diffcult for the elderly to raise them. This project is becoming a model in the community and hoping to expand this in other villages with your additional support. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Very sincerely yours,