Our response to the severe heatwave is focused on school children because with more frequent, longer lasting and more strong heat waves children are exposed to will impact on on health, safety, nutrition and education. Our response includes provision of nutritious food in order to fortify children's bodies, provision of gears like umbrella, provision of educational materials and provision of sanitary drinking bottles.
Blistering heat wave is gripping the Philippines and the most affected are children with more frequent, severe heat wave negatively impacting their health, safety, nutrition and educational access. Schools are closing with children told to stay home and education will be severely hampered with home schooling not really effective as seen during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are responding by providing nutritious food, educational materials and gardening inputs to parents so that food supply is sustained. Nutritious food will help fortify children's bodies and this is an urgent need. Meanwhile the parents engaging in vegetable gardening will increase their food supply on a long-term basis providing nutrition and income.
Children negatively impacted by severe heat wave will become stunted and sickly. With school closing their education is hampered. Our response will provide support and eventually community well-being when children are protected.
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