Project Report
| Jan 2, 2018
By Guldal Ebeoglu | Project Division
![Joy of learning!]()
Joy of learning!
Whenever we can find funds to purchase 10 new laptop computers or 10 tablets or receive a donation of 10 refurbished second hand computers from companies that regularly renew theirs, we start a new level 1 course in a new town.
Recently with a donation of 50 refurbished laptops from an international company, we started courses in Maçka-Trabzon, Degirmendere-Kocaeli, Maltepe-Istanbul and Bayrakl-Izmir. Various groups of 10 students can benefit from the same computers for level 1 and 2 courses.
We organize training sessions for young university students of computer sciences in these new towns and they gain valuable experience as educators of these groups of young children.
The bottleneck of the project is the difficulty of finding computers. We always have more demand than we have computers.Moreover refurbished computers tend to break down easily and need to be changed.
So we need your support to purchase new laptops and start new courses for the second school term.We already have 10 new towns ready with their volunteer educators and waiting for computers..
Please continue to support our project in 2018.Thank you ..
![Macka-Trabzon course 1]()
Macka-Trabzon course 1
Oct 6, 2017
By Guldal Ebeoglu | Project division
![Joy of Creating]()
Joy of Creating
Having started the program with only one CYDD branch, 9 laptop computers and 18 children in two classes in spring 2016, we are now proud to report that 444 children have already completed Level 1 courses and 102 of these children also finished Level 2.
So far 23 CYDD branches have implemented the project and we are in possession of 89 laptops and 20 tablets, however one third of them are second hand and will need to be replaced soon. In the course of these 18 months we also held 15 training sessions and have trained some 106 brilliant volunteer instructors who are CYDD scholarship university students studying in computer sciences.
The new CYDD branches in smaller towns wanting to join the project find their own volunteer instructor candidates who will then be trained by the training team. However most of these branches cannot raise enough funds to purchase new computers and rely on us. Maltepe, Bayrakl, Güzelbahçe, Degirmendere, Altnova and Trabzon branches need computers to start the project and some others need to change their broken used ones.
We do need your support to buy more computers and to reach more children in disadvantaged communities of smaller towns. We hope to reach at least another 500 children in 2018 with your donations..
Thank you..
![Serious coding]()
Serious coding
Jul 11, 2017
By Guldal Ebeoglu | Project division
![End of coding summer course]()
End of coding summer course
In its second year, CYDD computer coding program is moving to smaller towns this summer. The Level 1 course which was given in 7 weekends during the school terms is now transformed into a crash program of 4 weeks for the summer schools. Kocaeli Mualla Eke Cultural Center has already finished their Level 1 Coding summer program. Yalova and Usak will soon be starting their summer courses. All CYDD Cultural Centers in Istanbul and Izmir are giving both level 1 and 2 courses as they already have their laptops
Tablets can also be used for Level 1 course in the centers where there are no laptops. Volunteer trainers carry the tablets to new ÇYDD branches for the crash summer programs. However laptops are necessary for Level 2 and 3. For the new branches to give all 3 courses, we need to buy more laptops and for that we need your support.
We will tell you more about the number of children we have reached this summer in our next report. This program has now become a main attraction for young children and there is a lot of demand from many CYDD branches.
We thank you for your support …
![working together]()
working together
![Project presentation - dinosaur and the witch]()
Project presentation - dinosaur and the witch