The LIFE Tech program empowers low-to-moderate income families through digital inclusion. We serve over 4,000 households in Deep East Texas by ensuring they have access to, and skills to use technology.
Of the 154,000 households within Deep East Texas, 1 out of every 5 families do not have access to a computer or internet in their home. This impedes the economic stability in these rural communities by creating barriers to accessing jobs, online training, and online schoolwork. Given the high levels of poverty and lack of public transportation, access to many resources are beyond reach for over 115,000 Deep East Texans. This project will impact 5,000 households within the first 5 years.
LIFE Tech provides refurbished computers and internet access to low-income households throughout Deep East Texas. Community members are trained to refurbish donated computers as they work toward industry-recognized Information Technology certifications. They are then encouraged to share their newfound skills with the community to improve digital literacy among adults and children.
LIFE Tech will impact 1,000 Deep East Texas households each year by allowing them to have access to a computer and internet. The project enables them to participate in online job market, improve their skill set through online training, and reduce health care costs by accessing concierge health care providers. With these capabilities, the net income, net worth, and overall financial health of these households would be improved and allows access to individuals who are medically home-bound.
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