Project Report
| May 15, 2023
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Dear Supporters,
The closing gender gap for a food secure families project is progressing well on the ground all this is happening because you are there helping to this project and we would have fail had it been you are not giving to this project. We give special thanks to Village Headman Chinseudzimbiri upon helping on settling the quarerals aides upon group B and Group F all beneficiaries of this project,thequarerals starts after these two groups fails to understanding on why the group B for a second time they are not finishing irrigating he whole field. We really appreciates the work you have done, we don't take that for granted those quartering were disturbing the irrigation timetable. Now the problem resolved everything is going on well. Currently there are 43 Women and 18 Men in this project and we are witnessing more worn requesting to be included in this project as beneficiaries. We are encouraging all beneficiaries that were not able to receiving the the farm inputs to date that next time when the support reached us we will distributes the farm inputs to the first time beneficiaries of this project. We have started monitoring all the groups on the agenda make organic mature increase soil fertility and realise bumper yields, this campaign have started and group G has already started and the whole CBO crew were there last week. Our work plan shows us that we are going to supervise and monitoring group F and group A this week. We encourage other groups to start making organic manure prior to the dates of supervision again we want the trained team in your groups to go around the villages helping people to make organic manure so that our friends might also benefit in the use of this composite manure and the whole village should feel the benefit of this project hence you will be visiting them and teach them how we make composite / Organic manure from the knowledge you imparted from the project trainings.
Feb 18, 2023
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Our Supporters,
Thank you for the support you render to this project, it is because you are there giving your support to project that makes it to be live on the ground. We hope you will continue thinking of different ways of improving and cut out the gender gap that is experienced in farming fields and improving the lives of women farmers for the better in terms of end of farming season harvests we want more women headed households that depends on fatming to enjoy the farming fruits and gets profits.
It is only when a woman farmer gets profits when she is able to fully supporting her family, regardless of what makes her heads the family as there a number of things bthat could brought a woman heads a family chores. It is our wish that together withn you we will continue supporting other remaining woman farmers and leastly men farmers harvests better.
Oct 31, 2022
Project Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Our Supporters,
We are proud of you. We are happy to let you know that your support has made this project moving safely and better for the last three months because you have been on its side making sure this project have funds to support its beneficiaries. Every donation to this project helps gender equity been promoted on farming fields. You are special to this community because everyone knows without you giving to this project there will be no impact done on the ground. We are dedicated to provide transparent and trustworthy services to our beneficiaries and supporters that everyone shall be conviced with the way the funds are used on the ground.