'Clean water and sanitation improve early grade reading in Malawi' is a project which Imagine Afrika implements in 10 primary schools in Southern Malawi reaching a benefiting population of 4000 learners. 2400 female and 2600 male learners. We improve hygiene and sanitation by providing Imagine Afrika made chlorine using Water Step supported equipment. We provide clean water through installation of chlorinator donated equipment by Water Step. There is steady reduction of water born diseases.
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has heavy disease burden including waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and many others. It is also ranked the lowest in early grade literacy according to SACMEQ II and III in 2005 and 2011 respectively. Lack of knowledge and skills at early age to contract waterborne diseases puts pressure on literacy as pupils miss classes due to water related ailments.
Imagine Afrika provide free chlorine to 10 primary schools and support hygiene and sanitation awareness in surrounding communities and reading centers. We also teach teachers to train learners on hand washing, how flies spread diseases and sound sanitation practices such as mopping using chlorine and ensuring that there are no bleeding spaces for mosquitoes. We envision to reach 200 primary schools in Balaka district by December 2020 and increase spontaneously the number of beneficiaries.
1. Reduce the number of learners suffering from waterborne diseases 2. Improving community led literacy centers' environment. 3. Increasing pass rate since learners attend all lessons without water borne disease burden. 4. There shall be spill over of practices to households where learners come from resulting from them practicing hygiene and sanitation practices and behaviors when at home during holidays
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).