The ongoing war in Syria and Gaza has led to the destruction of infrastructure and the lack of clean water sources there. Through this project, we seek to cover the clean water needs of about 500 families in Gaza and 500 families in northern Syria for a period of six months.
In Syria, the war that has been going on for years has destroyed the infrastructure of cities, in addition to the displacement of thousands of families to camps where there are no sources of clean water. In Gaza, the situation is not much different, as whoever finds a cup of clean water there is considered lucky in these difficult times. Families in Syria and Gaza are suffering from a decline in the per capita share of drinking water to very dangerous levels that require urgent intervention.
The organization will contract with a water provider after conducting a tender to choose the most appropriate price. The family will be provided with water on a weekly basis, four times a month, at a cost of $3.5 per week. The family will be provided with seven 200-litre drums per week. The water will be sterilized with chlorine before being supplied to beneficiaries.
Water is the mainstay of life anywhere in the world. Through our implementation of this project, we will protect 1000 families from the risk of diseases caused by pollution. The project will also contribute to enhancing people's minimum sense of stability for a period of six months.1000 families, equivalent to approximately 4000 individuals, will achieve water security in the near term.
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