By Concetta Bianco | FSSFS Project Manager and Consortium Coordinator
Dear Friend,
Greetings from Puntland, Somalia!
We are enormously grateful for your support of the project "Give Clean Water & Energy to 350 Somali Families". We want to share with you some exciting updates on the progress made.
In the months from March 2023 to June 2023, we had a lot of work accomplished.
We keep on moving forward despite all the challenges, but we need your continuous support to continue the implementation of this exciting project!
Irrigation Infrastructures rehabilitation and construction work (wells rehabilitation; pipes laying; solar-powered drip and bubbler irrigation systems installation)
The second phase of the construction and rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure which began in November 2022 completed in June 2023 with defect liability for a period of 3 Months. They include.
The validation meeting for the presentation of the 3rd phase of irrigation infrastructure construction and rehabilitation assessment was done for both Nugal and Bari region stakeholders. The shareholders involved included the Ministry of Agriculture and irrigation officials and Nugal and Bari farmer associations respectively. The meeting participants consensually approved the assessment findings. In Nugal, the meeting was attended by 8 participants (7M, 1F) while in Bari the meeting was attended by 7 participants (7M, 0F). The participants expressed their hope that the project will be completed before the project ends.
In May 2023, most of the activities that took place revolved around project activities monitoring. the project regional agronomist and water and irrigation experts conducted a visit to assess the project activities’ status.
Off-Grid Box Technology and complimentary equipment for installation in the project pilot farm
The membrane was be imported from Italy and installed and finally tested. From the initial results, there was indication of improvement in water quality from the system. As of water purification system,CEFA collected further 3 water samples (1. From the well pump 2. From the blue tank inside the Box 3. From OGB external water tap), Water quality testing was done in May 2023 at the Water Resource Authority laboratories in Nairobi, Kenya. From the analysis, the quality of water from the blue tank after reverse osmosis and from the outside tap was within the recommended WHO maximum guideline values and therefore fit for human consumption.
Practical demonstration for date palm farmers on appropriate agricultural techniques and practices
In March 2023, 76 farmers in Nugal (46 male and 30 female) who were originally trained were re-trained on efficient and effective management of irrigation infrastructure, operation and maintenance of irrigation infrastructure, date & crop husbandry (pollination, transplanting, water application, pruning, spraying and IPM and off-shoot management). In July 2023, 300 farmers will receive the same training in Bari region.
Support to date palm farming in Puntland (support to input supply including tools, seeds, and fertilizers)
CEFA purchased agricultural inputs and tools using the income generated from date palm seedlings distributed to project beneficiaries. The income received from the sale will be returned to farmers by providing inputs and tools to 271 farmers in three locations, namely Sayn Wayn, Sayn Yar, and Ceel Laas. Also, the sales to be expected from the sale of the second batch of date palm seedlings in the nursery in Karin and Jibaxo will be used to purchase tools and inputs to be distributed to farmers in Murcanyo, Habo, and Geesaly. The distribution of the inputs will be done in the next reporting period
Training, monitoring and support for IDPs trained on NSA, horticulture production and food handling practices demonstration (follow up Bari Region)
To promote the capacities of IDPs in the Bari and Nugal regions so that they can produce their own nutrient-rich foods, CEFA embarked on training 1600 farmers in the Nugal (1000) and Bari (600) regions on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. As of the end of December 2022. A total of 1531 internally displaced persons in 6 camps in the Nugal and Bari regions had been trained on bag farming and preparation of liquid manure in the case of the Nugal region and home gardening in the case of the Bari region.
The production report for the NSA production was finalized. The report focused on 4 vegetable crops that were provided to internally displaced persons. From the report, 92.9% of the IDPs harvested spinach. Out of these, 99.2% consumed the harvested spinach. The Mean production was 1.64kg while the mean consumption was 1.43kg with very insignificant sales. Tomato production was relatively higher with 94.2% of the IDPs indicating that they harvested tomatoes. Out of these, 99.0% of them consumed the harvested crops. The mean production for tomatoes was 1.2kg with a mean consumption of 1.1kg. Lettuce and Radish production was very minimal at 6.2% and 16% respectively. The mean production for lettuce was 0.07kg with a mean consumption of 0.01. No sales were made for lettuce. 100% of the households that produced radish consumed it. The mean production for radish was 0.079 kg with a mean consumption of 0.078kg, the link to the report is Nutrition sensitive Agriculture Production in Bari region (
Capitalization of Knowledge and Documentation of best practices – consultancy
In April 2023, Procasur organized and facilitated 4 online participatory sessions focused on reflecting and collecting information about the FSSFS Project results achieved under the main project components: Irrigation and Climate Smart Technologies, Sustainable Agriculture, and Sustainable Livestock.
The activity was designed together with the FSSFS Project Management considering an urgent need to have a better overview of the results achieved after three years of FSSFS implementation and of their sustainability after the project end. The link to the product of the online sessions is;
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