There is an urgent need for safe water, phone charging and lighting in Puntland, Somalia. The OffGridBox will serve over 2,400 Somalis, who will get access to clean energy and clean water at an extremely low price with no impact on the environment. The box will employ 2 local women, and its maintenance costs will be shared with local landowners. This is an all-in-one easy-to-install system that uses solar energy to purify water and distribute energy for local dates production.
More than 70% of Somalis are living without any electricity connection. The roughly 30% of the population with limited electricity are served by privately owned and highly polluting diesel-powered mini-grids, for which they pay among the highest rates in the world. Only 30% of Somalis have access to clean water, leaving the majority vulnerable to several life-threatening diseases.
OffGridBox is an all in one solar system providing clean water and energy. It is a mobile container with solar panels on top and a water purification system inside. The box is manufactured in Italy, can be easily transported to Somalia, and can be deployed on the spot within 4 hours. The OffGridBox provides clean water and solar energy by means of a rechargeable 40Wh power bank to light 3 lights for 4 hours, charge phones, bottled water, irrigate crops and power food production equipment.
The OffGridBox will supply affordable energy and clean water to 350 households (2,400 people) in El-Dahir village in Puntland. The power generated by the Box will also be used to boost agricultural production and income of rural communities. An in-depth capacity building program will be also delivered to 2 female boxkeepers and to 2 local technicians, to ensure that the Box is properly operated and maintained. The Landowner will also contribute to cover the maintenance costs of the Box.