Clean water and bathrooms for 1,367 schoolchildren

by Tender Grassroots
Clean water and bathrooms for 1,367 schoolchildren


Children need to be nourished to thrive at school. Safe drinking water is essential to ensure children stay healthy and retain all the nutrients they can. A recent assessment at the Entebbe UMEA primary school found that the water and sanitation systems at the school were insufficient, jeopardizing the children's access to safe water and their health. We need your support to build an effective water filtration and storage system and improve the latrines and changing rooms for girls.

total goal
monthly donors


Entebbe UMEA school faces two primary barriers to improve water and sanitation for its students: 1.The water storage tank where most students get drinking water is outdated and connected to stagnant water, increasing risk of waterborne illness. 2. Latrines at the school have fallen apart over time, rendering them both unsanitary and unsafe. The latrines have broken pipes and walls and no direct water system which forces students, especially girls, to publicly transport water creating shame.


This project will directly address issues identified above by: 1. Building a safe water filtration and storage system. We are working with the school to explore the most cost-effective option to improve water access, including drilling, filtration, and solar purification. The water can be used for drinking and cooking. 2. Rebuilding and improving the existing latrines so all children have access to safe and private toilets. Improve facilities will allow for separation of older and younger girls.

Long-Term Impact

Ensuring students have access to clean water is essential to prevent waterborne illnesses which threaten their overall health and academic performance. By investing in clean water systems at the school, student health will improve while overall water transport costs will decrease over time. By improving privacy and latrines for the girls, we hope to encourage more girls to stay in school over the long term.


Organization Information

Tender Grassroots

Location: Royersford, PA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Tender_gr
Project Leader:
Fatma Said
Royersford , PA United States

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