In Yokohama and Tokyo, YouMeWe will support children and staff in care homes by equipping them with the essential goods and tools they need to run efficiently and provide a safe environment for children to live and learn.// A Japanese translation of the project information is attached below as an additional document.
In Yokohama and Tokyo, many children living in care homes have been left isolated as a result of the Coronavirus crisis. Whilst the needs of children always come first, the essential workers who look after them have continued to put their lives at risk and the lives of their families by coming to work every day during a time of global uncertainty.
This project will provide support to both the children and staff, essential goods will be provided to equip homes with the tools they need to run efficiently and provide a safe environment for children to live and learn. Staff will also be provided with psychosocial support to ensure their own health and wellbeing.
Children in the homes are benefitting from 21st-century education and job skills but this project will support greater engagement of staff, who are new to supporting online learning.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).