Imagine spending your childhood, without any story books. How dull would it be without the glossy, colorful story books to read. How do you dream about fairy tales without a chance to read one? This is the harsh reality at most village government schools in India. We believe that children have a right to dream and by filling the libraries with books at their schools, we give the minds of these children the opportunity to take wings. Join us to help these children get the magic of reading books.
Rural poor children can't afford to buy books. With 80% government schools located in villages where quality books are not available their reading is limited to academic books. To create a knowledge based society, students should have easy access to books of interest besides text books. BREAD is setting up libraries in govt. schools to provide age appropriate books to poor students on a wide variety of subjects. It has covered 10% students. With your support it would cover 15% in next two years.
Students in BREAD library have access to 650 curated books with colorful graphic designs on moral values, history, science, culture, general knowledge, puzzles, sports etc. The books are age appropriate. Children take the books home to read and return. Student volunteers operate the library. As children read more books on wider variety of topics, it increases their self-confidence and inculcates good reading habits at a young age. Books in the hands of more students will empower their minds.
Children's Library is a research based initiative to rejuvenate school education and create knowledge based society. Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers. The impact of reading books at impressionable age is TRANSFORMATIONAL. Each library serves thousands of children for more than two decades as new books are added annually. Literate parents and siblings also get to read the books at home. Multiple agencies have audited our social impact and found books are changing the lives of children.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).