![Party at New Life, Ghana]()
Party at New Life, Ghana
Thank you so much for your help for the children and young people at our projects, by supporting CHW through our page on GlobalGiving. Your kindness is making such a positive impact in their lives!
Since our last report, at the end of 2023, the donations you have given through this page have helped children and young people at projects in each of the five countries where we work: Argentina, China, Ghana, Romania and South Africa!
Below is more information about how you have helped the children.
Your help went towards supporting babies and children at a residential centre in Cordoba, Argentina. The children are aged from 0 to 6 years old and have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. They receive specialised care, according to their different needs. Thank you for making it possible to assist with this work.
Another of our partner organisations in Argentina, Fundación de Cordobesa de Equinoterapia, resumed its activities in March, when the summer holidays ended in Argentina. This project provides horse-assisted therapy sessions to people with disabilities. CHW's supporters have sponsored sessions for a child there each year. In 2024, your help is supporting an eight-year-old boy with Down Syndrome. He really likes the horses and he will benefit greatly from this form of therapy.
The horse-assisted therapy helps with movement and posture and so much more. The founder of the project, Verónica, said that it also helps with functional activities for life and helps the children to develop in so many other areas too. She thanked CHW's supporters for their help for the children at this project!
Your support made it possible to sponsor educational materials for the next semester for the children at Stepping Stone's educational programmes. This will assist migrant children in Shanghai and children from under-resourced schools in rural areas of the country.
In response to your kind contributions, a team member at Stepping Stones wrote: "Thank you for the generous donation... and for your continuous support. CHW does such great work to help us and other organisations to make a difference to the lives of children."
At CHW, we are so grateful to each of you who support our work, because you are the ones who make everything possible!
The contributions we received also went towards our student support project for young people at New Life International in Ghana. This past semester, three students were helped by these funds. They are studying: Construction Technology and Management; Hospitality Management and Fashion Design.
As part of an update on the progress of one of the students, New Life's director Derrick wrote: "This Educational CHW sponsorship programme has indeed empowered a lot of children, giving many light in the darkness. Thanks to Trustees of CHW and all donors and supporters."
Whilst the students are at a stage where they feel self-conscious for their photos to be included in public updates online, we are able to share with you some photos of the younger children at New Life. Our last report was sent to you just before Christmas, and your kind contributions had again made it possible to sponsor places at New Life's Christmas party for 100 children! The children really enjoyed themselves and this party has given them some lovely memories to look back on when they think of the holidays!
We are so grateful for the contributions we have received to support supplies for Refugiu's food programme in Romania. Over the past couple of years, the prices have been rising and we have needed more support to maintain the same level of assistance for the families Refugiu helps. Thank you for making sure the children and families could still receive food!
Refugiu has recently asked us for support for children in a second village, so your contributions will now be assisting families with food in two villages in Brasov County, Romania.
Robert, the Head of Refugiu, expressed his thanks to CHW's supporters for the help with the food supplies.
South Africa
We also work with another food programme, which The Future Factory is involved with in Cape Town. Your donations have meant that we could continue to support the provision of food for children and families in under-resourced communities around the city.
The Future Factory's founder, Anne, has thanked each person who is part of CHW for this ongoing help.
Some years ago, The Future Factory introduced us to a creche in Cape Town, called Rooikappie. We were able to partner with them too. Rooikappie recently needed a new washing machine and your support enabled CHW to fund this for the creche. The Principal, Faranaaz, was very grateful for your kindness.
GlobalGiving Campaigns and Events
We are so glad that you chose to support the children and young people we work with through our page on GlobalGiving! We want to share with you some news related to GlobalGiving too!
From 8 to 12 April, GlobalGiving will be running its "Little By Little" campaign, where donations of up to £39 (or $50) will be matched by 50% whilst matching funds last. If you would like to make a contribution during that time, your kindness will go extra far! You can choose any of our project pages to donate to during the campaign.
In case you are interested, we have set up a special project for this campaign, with the aim of sponsoring places for 25 teachers to be trained at ORT SA CAPE's programmes in South Africa. This will improve the quality of education that children receive in 25 classrooms! You can see our project page here: https://www.globalgiving.org/microprojects/improve-education-southafrica/
We are always happy to give back to the GlobalGiving community and it was good to have two opportunities to do so over the past couple of months. Catherine from CHW was invited to be a campaign coach. Along with other coaches, she assisted with sessions for different organisations on GlobalGiving, in the run up to the Little By Little Campaign. It was also very nice to have been invited to join two members of GlobalGiving staff to run an in-person session for teenagers in London. These students, aged 16 and 17, are from the USA and are studying in the UK for a semester. GlobalGiving was giving a session on crowdfunding, as the students had to develop a social venture project. CHW was honoured to be asked to join in!
Everyone at CHW is so grateful to you for making such a wonderful difference in the lives of the children and young people! Thank you for your kindness!
With thanks to Anne (The Future Factory), Derrick (New Life), Faranaaz (Rooikappie), Robert (Refugiu), Teddy (Stepping Stones) and Adenike and Maline at GlobalGiving for the photos included with this report.
![Party at New Life, Ghana]()
Party at New Life, Ghana
![Food supplies at Refugiu, Romania]()
Food supplies at Refugiu, Romania
![Food programme helped by The Future Factory, SA]()
Food programme helped by The Future Factory, SA
![Education programme at Stepping Stones, China]()
Education programme at Stepping Stones, China
![Education programme at Stepping Stones, China]()
Education programme at Stepping Stones, China
![New Washing Machine at Rooikappie, South Africa]()
New Washing Machine at Rooikappie, South Africa
![GlobalGiving and CHW Presentation]()
GlobalGiving and CHW Presentation