This project aims to reduce the suffering of Children who are severely affected by the war in Syria. More than 90% of IDPs in syria are women and children, an. 30% of IDPs Households are now headed by females, total of 20.7 million people, 66% of the population, are estimated to need humanitarian assistance in 2022; 14.1 million people of whom are estimated to be in acute need (severity 4 and 5). This includes 5.6 million women, 6.5 million girls, 5.7 million men, and 5.7 million boys.
Food insecurity and malnutrition are the main drivers behind the number of people in need. 16.2 million people will go hungry this year (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Phase 3 or higher). This includes 5 million people facing emergency conditions (IPC Phase 4) and nearly 50,000 who were already experiencing catastrophe conditions (IPC Phase 5). Over 2.25 million cases of children aged 0 to 59 months, and more than a million pregnant and lactating women are suff. of malnutrat
Your donation will contribute to reduce the suffering to pregnant women and families headed by women or girls affected by war. Your donation will support to multiple sectors related to women and girls to address different aspects of needs in the same locations. Famine risk, cholera,And the earthquake, malnutrition, and displacement are all examples of women complex, multifaceted humanitarian needs, requiring converging multi-sectoral approaches. More resources are needed now to achieve effective
Your donation to this program will help build stronger response capacities in IDPs communities and reduce women suffering in Syria. Your donation will contribute to stop the growing risk of famine and severe acute malnutrition, disease outbreaks, conflict casualties, forced displacement and reversal of past development gains.
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