AMANC (first NGO in Mexico to help children with cancer, since 1982) commited with the development of an intelligent digital platform that facilitates the detection of child cancer and speed up the start of the treatment. San Luis Potosi joins in this national effort to raise the rate of early detection and survival of pediatric patients in our country.
Childhood cancer is one of the first causes of death in Mexico, due to the fact that 75% of patients receive medical attention in advanced stages. Of the more than 5,000 new cases each year, only 51% descover. Early detection and guidance for access to health services are vital. For this purpose, a national multidisciplinary team will be in charge of a digital platform that speeds up diagnosis and the start of treatments.
Specific guidance for parents and teachers of basic education, through a digital platform, will facilitate that the suspicion that a minor suffers from cancer is dealt with quickly, receiving useful information about the symptoms and the hospitals that provide treatment. The simplicity of the interface will allow the population to interact properly (online and offline) regardless of their educational and socioeconomic level.
1.- The reduction of up to 140% in cost of oncological treatment and hospitalizations. 2.- Access to reliable information at a distance about the symptoms of the disease. 3.- Timely access to specialized care in cases of suspected illness.