A Space4all

by chance4all
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A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all
A Space4all


CHANCE4ALL needs your help to sustain Space4all its multipurpose space in the heart of Bauleni, Zambia. SPACE4ALL welcomes students to meet with tutors and mentors, to study, and to access computers and the nutrition program. It also serves as a space for education and community events. This space is more than just a building - it is another tool CHANCE4ALL and the whole community uses to support vulnerable children who are not able to afford the quality education they deserve.

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Despite commendable initiatives to address the education crisis, 20% of primary and 60% of secondary-aged children still do not attend school (GPE, 2019). The most vulnerable children, especially girls, are the least likely to go to school, and they are the most likely to drop out of school due to a lack of resources or access to a free and quality education. This project is another tool to address the education crisis and give vulnerable children access to a high quality education.


Having a multipurpose facility in the heart of a vulnerable community empowers and inspires students and supports our teachers and mentors as they implement a more inclusive, equitable and effective quality education. It is a safe environment to anchor Chance4all programs: a place for students to study, work with a tutor, gain computer skills, benefit from the nutrition program, develop important life skills, increase resilience, and make positive connections within their community.

Long-Term Impact

Research has shown that providing children with targeted learning support and mentoring drastically improves learning outcomes and significantly reduces student drop out rates. This multipurpose facility provides the ideal infrastructure to make Chance4all programs sustainable for 900+ children, their teachers, tutors and mentors. This project helps to ensure vulnerable children can thrive academically and develop the life skills they will need to build their bright futures in a safe place.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Lusaka - Zambia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Chance4all Zambia
Lusaka , Zambia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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