The issue that "Cazuca Dreams On" aims to tackle is the culture of violence and marginalization that is internalized by Cazuca's residents and, more specifically, by Cazuca's children and youth. This project employs theater, dance and music as powerful tools of social cohesion, incentivizing changes in behavior, turning kids into dreamers and encouraging them to be main agents of social transformation
The issue that "Cazuca Dreams On" aims to tackle is the culture of violence and marginalization that is internalized by Cazuca's residents. Many Cazuca residents, especially children, have internalized violence as a normal factor they have to deal with, proliferating a sentiment of resignation and apathy regarding different types of violence and mistreatment.
"Cazuca Dreams On" strives to strengthen the community of Cazuca by employing culture as a tool of social transformation, encouraging them to fight for a dignifying life project and allowing them to construct ambitious dreams in which violence, mistreatment and social exclusion are not a constant in their lives.
After 12 months of project activities, we expect the following outcomes: - At least 120 children and youth attending the different cultural workshops o 30% of participants will have a better perception of their environment and community - 30% of participants will express having a more positive outlook on their future. -70% of participants will express a strong interest in at least one of the project's activities. -50% of participants will express improved self-esteem
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