Project Report
| Dec 14, 2023
Building brighter futures for vulnerable children
By Inocencia Pichardo | Director
![Some of our girls and boys taking a break]()
Some of our girls and boys taking a break
Dear Friend and Supporter,
As 2023 nears its end, we look back to reflect on the work that has been made possible with the help and support of people like you. Vulnerable girls and boys' access to routine health services, quality education and nutritious food continues to be a challenge in large cities like ours, where migration from Mexico and other Latin American countries has significantly increased.
The assistance you provide to Casa Cuna La Paz has had a significant impact. Thanks to people like you, we work every day to ensure our girls and boys have the best chance to learn. Education is a well-established means of escaping poverty, particularly for disadvantaged children. Therefore, reducing the number of out-of-school children has been one of our priorities. We are working to make sure our children can get the nutrition and health care they need to thrive as learners and in life.
We are very proud that you decided to take action. Your support help us continue our work to keep girls and boys healthy, educated, and safe. By helping them now, we are building a brighter future for them, the future our children and all children deserve!
On behalf of the girls and boys at Casa Cuna La Paz:
Muchas, muchas gracias!
Inocencia Pichardo
![Nap time!]()
Nap time!
Aug 8, 2023
Summer brings new faces
By Inocencia Pichardo | Director
![Some of our girls and boys getting ready for lunch]()
Some of our girls and boys getting ready for lunch
As in many other countries, children at Casa Cuna La Paz are getting ready to start a new school year. New faces are already streaming in, joining the little ones already here. Although fun and games are part of their days, Casa Cuna La Paz enhances their well-being by providing access to quality health care and education, school enrollment and retention, and helps them develop life-long skills.
Vulnerable children often suffer from low levels of health, education, and protection, and have limited opportunities to reach their full potential. With your generous donations, Casa Cuna La Paz provides them with the support and care they need to overcome the challenges they face and to thrive in life.
We are greatly honored to have you as part of our team, and know the effort you make to support the children at Casa Cuna. By investing in quality childcare, early education and life-long acquisition of skills, we all are creating a better future for them and for us all.
On behalf of the girls and boys of Casa Cuna La Paz: Muchas gracias por su apoyo!
![Fun and games]()
Fun and games
Apr 19, 2023
Helping our children to spring forward!
By Inocencia Pichardo | Director
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our donors for their generous contributions to our “Help Children in Need” project. Your support has made a profound difference in the lives of the girls and boys we serve by providing them with essentials such as nutritious meals, quality education, and medical care. With your help, we have created a safe and nurturing environment at Casa Cuna La Paz where our children can flourish and grow into responsible adults who will contribute to the prosperity of our country.
Many of our children come from challenging backgrounds and may lack the resources they need to succeed. At "Casa Cuna La Paz", they find not only food and shelter but also positive role models who inspire them to see the many possibilities life has to offer. In this stable environment, surrounded by caring adults, our children can envision themselves as valuable members of society. This investment in their future will pay dividends for years to come.
We invite you to continue supporting "Casa Cuna La Paz". Our work requires many hands and hearts to make a difference in the lives of our children. It is the daily care and love that we provide that will help them reach their full potential in a challenging and rapidly changing world. With your support, our children can embrace the future with joy and determination.
Thank you for joining us on this journey and for making a difference in the lives of our children. On behalf of our girls and boys: Muchas gracias!