This project will support IA3 Institute to build a training center with the objective of providing comprehensive development, professional qualification to 400 young people under social vulnerability condition of poor communities at Pindamonhangaba. Due to lack of job opportunities and no path to overcome the poverty many adolescents of these poor communities decides in taking the wrong path of selling drugs and prostitution.
Pindamonhangaba - BR, presents the highest per capita GDP and the lowest per capita income in the Paraiba Valley. Has 22.3% of people under miserable condition. The lack of education and professional qualification makes the poor people from these region remain unemployed and with no chance of leaving the poverty condition. This context puts women at risk of prostitution and exposes men to drug addiction and marginality, leading to a lack of future perspective and family breakdown.
Having its own building the IA3 Institute can expand the attendance of its beneficiaries providing comprehensive development and professional qualification to 400 young people enabling them to better develop theirselves and conquer their first job. The lack of having an own space is a limiting factor for the expansion of the service and support the relevant needy.
The project aims to support 400 teenagers per year, by promoting not only professional qualification but also comprehensive development through psychosocial support, lectures of guidance and human development, access to cultural projects of music and theater, that, will promote the creation of better future perspective, reduces the unemployment rates, the risks of drug addiction, marginality as well as, unwanted pregnancy and prostitution.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).