90% of women in rural Nicaragua lack access to basic reproductive and sexual healthcare and education - resulting in one of the highest rates of cervical cancer death and teenage pregnancy in the world. The solution? Mobile women's clinics serving the physical, emotional and social health needs of girls and women in rural villages. With your help, 2400 women will receive Lily's health services to prevent cervical cancer, understand and protect their bodies, and lead healthier lives.
Cervical cancer, a sexually transmitted disease, is Nicaragua's #1 cancer killer and leading cause of death of young women. Nicaragua's teenage pregnancy rate is soaring - today nearly 1 in 3 teens has a child before she turns 18. Why? Inadequate access to healthcare in rural villages; extreme rural poverty where 2 of 3 of families live on less than $2/day; prevailing machismo culture which leads to early sexual activity and abuse; and lack of education about reproductive and sexual health.
Lily's sustainable women-centered model of care and development is helping solve this complex challenge with mobile women's health clinics operating in rural villages staffed by young Nicaraguan medical interns who envision a better future for women and girls. Clinics provide Lily's health services free of charge including cervical cancer screening and treatment, sexual and reproductive health education, counseling, and community support delivered at a cost to serve of $10/woman.
2400 women living in rural villages in the Leon region of Nicaragua will receive Lily's health services - including cancer screening and treatment, education, counseling and community support. As a result, these women will be cervical cancer free and empowered with the knowledge to lead healthier lives - creating a better future for themselves, their families and communities. To learn more about our results to date please visit thelilyproject.org.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).