When one considers vibrant colors, a peacock is a notable example. This creature is a native of the country and holds social and cultural importance for the people. It is also a very sensitive creature. Unfortunately, due to decreased environmental protection, and increasing occurrences of Newcastle disease, peacocks are becoming an endangered species in the country. This project focuses on enclosures for the protection of the remainder peacock species against environmental and other threats.
Peacocks are avians native to the subcontinent. They are significantly common in the Thar desert, best known for their tails with vibrant colorful feathers. The peacock is a cultural identity of the Thar desert. The peacock is not given any weight in terms of protection against Newcastle disease, or even the rising impact of climate change. If action is not taken, this avian species will become extinct and will not be able to sustain itself.
NHSD plans on establishing enclosures in five locations in Tehsil Chachro. This enclosure will be made sustainable through involvement of the Hindu community of Tehsil Chachro. The donation will be used for the provision of food for the peacock, constructing and maintaining the enclosure, and security systems to ensure that the peacock is safe from environmental hazards. The donations will also be used for the vaccination and veterinary treatment. NHSD has a panel of veterinarians who will help
The sustainability of the community intervention ensures that this identity of the people of the Thar desert is preserved, It is also important in emphasizing that other animals which are symbiotic or correlated with the well-being of the peacock, is noted for further work by environmentalists, veterinarians and ecologists. This project can also be used as a platform for climate change interventions to protect camels and donkeys in Tharparkar, as they play a logistical function in the area.