Blankets for Babies - Global CBK project

by Global Health Charities
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Blankets for Babies - Global CBK project
Blankets for Babies - Global CBK project
Blankets for Babies - Global CBK project


We are asking our generous donors to help us support women and their babies in economically depressed regions of the world so we can provide baby blankets for our Clean Birth Kits (CBKs). Each CBK potentially saves the lives of a mother and her child by helping to prevent infections during childbirth. CBKs have been distributed globally to 19 countries in some of the poorest areas of the world as well as areas in conflict.

total goal
monthly donors


Every year more than 4 million babies and 287,000 women die during childbirth. 95% of these deaths occur in impoverished nations and 90% of these deaths are preventable. Infections from unsanitary conditions during the birthing process constitute a considerable number of these deaths.


Global Health Charities (GHC) provides clean birth kits (CBKs) to pregnant women globally with limited or no access to medical facilities or care. GHC's CBKs address the World Health Organizations six (6) cleans for childbirth: clean hands, clean perineum, clean birthing surface, clean umbilical cord cutting implement, clean cord tying and clean cord care. Each CBK contains the following items: alcohol pads, soap, gloves, gauze, plastic sheeting, razor blade, hat, blanket and cord clamp.

Long-Term Impact

Studies show that CBKs have a significant impact in reducing infections during childbirth for both mother and baby. Anecdotal evidence shows a high demand for the CBKs by expectant mothers. "The Sisters in Nigeria had great success in reducing the mortality/morbidity of births using the clean birth kits and leveraging their use to provide pre-natal supplements and do training of the local midwives & outreach workers." - Sr Mary Louise Stubbs, DC IPS Director - Nigeria


Organization Information

Global Health Charities

Location: Farmington, MI - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @GHCharities
Project Leader:
Patricia Williams
Farmington , MI United States

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