ETC will support 1,000 marginalized women and their families in Ramdhuni Municipality, Sunsari District, Nepal. Building on decades of success in Nepal, we'll work in partnership with village residents, teachers, and local leaders to address the most pressing problems: food insecurity, lack of income generating opportunities, lack of resources in schools, and COVID prevention. All activities will be undertaken with due precautions for the safety of our staff and program participants alike.
The socioeconomically disadvantaged families of Ramdhuni District already faced very severe and interrelated challenges: chronic food insecurity, malnutrition, lack of viable income-generating opportunities, cyclical poverty, and a shortage of resources for the schools. The pandemic has exacerbated all of these problems. The families need quick-acting but long-lasting solutions to help them eat better, earn more money, and ensure their children's educational prospects.
ETC's agricultural activities will help families both now (by helping them produce greater quantities of more nutritious food) and later (by ensuring ongoing food production as well as income generation from the sale of whatever they do not eat themselves). COVID health and safety resources will help prevent the spread of this deadly disease in homes and schools. School supplies will encourage children's engagement in school and help prevent dropping out due to family financial difficulties.
The skills and knowledge gained will last indefinitely to help people eat better and earn more money. Participants in ETC's programs also share what they've learned with family and neighbors, enabling us to reach thousands of people both directly and indirectly. Improving the school environment keeps children in school and boosts their prospects in life. These activities will also serve as a strong foundation for more extensive work in these villages in the months and years to come.