By 2 Every Child Learning Reading,Math, Music+++

by Teamchildren
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By 2 Every Child Learning Reading,Math, Music+++
By 2 Every Child Learning Reading,Math, Music+++
By 2 Every Child Learning Reading,Math, Music+++


We have to empower and equip low-income parents to teach their babies reading, math, music, science and encyclopedic knowledge by two. Most low-income children start school with a 75% vocabulary deficit, and cannot count. We will work with 10 or more parents that have received computers from us to transform this. We will send them to the course at the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Development and work with them to effectively use our Brillkids early learning software.

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Education in this country still believes that cognitive learning starts when kids go to school and that their kids will be taught in those schools. The learning disparity between low income children and more privileged children has remained staggeringly stagnant. Recent brain research is pointing to the critical importance of early brain development. However this research is not making practical applications for the children most in need.


We will be empowering more and more low income parents, early childhood advocates, teachers and administrators in the importance of how poverty impacts he brain and our simple low cost practical applications. We will document this through anecdotal video tape documentation and research through surveys. This will enable us to distinguish importance, value, and credibility of our approach. We will do longitudinal studies on its long term benefits to children we serve which will help us expand.

Long-Term Impact

The impact this will have immediately is that we will be able to create an incredible video on the value and importance of the course from the people we send. We will then begin to work with them on implementing the knowledge gained with their children and organizations.. The next step will be to raise the funding to have 100 preschool directors and teachers take the course receive computers from TeamChildren loaded with early learning software, take a workshop on how to use the software.


Organization Information


Location: King of Prussia, PA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @teamchildren
Project Leader:
Robert Toporek
Audubon , PA United States

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