This project is an extension of the Badili Zone Community library that will secure and convert a shipping container into a computer hub in Mukuru Kwa Reuben Slum located in Nairobi Kenya. This will allow economically disadvantaged students to have access to technological devices such as computers, appropriate technological training, and smoothen the process of applying for opportunities within and outside Kenya while facilitating their connection with the world as global citizens.
Mukuru Kwa Reuben Slum has over 700,000 people, with more than 18 schools but only 2 that have almost fully equipped libraries that students from other schools don't have access to. Badili Zone community library ensures every student has access to learning materials, but there is a need for computer and other library users to be separated to facilitate the maximization of both users' outputs. Hosting both users in the same facility has proven to be inefficient if maximum impact is desired.
The computer hub will help students and everyone else in the community acquire the appropriate technological skills required for them to become contributing members of society through training and workshops, and facilitate access to technological services. Both the teachers and students will be able to do educational research and access all the resources they need to apply for different opportunities, within, and beyond Kenya, while connecting to the world as global citizens.
The shipping container that will be converted to a computer hub will host technological devices such as computers and it is where technological skills training, coding, and programming sessions will be taking place uninterrupted. The hub will also enable access to online applications and opportunities to the students who will then be able to interact and connect with the world as global citizens. This is a scale-up plan to fully digitalize the community library in Mukur Kwa Reuben Slum.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).