The Alternatives to Violence Program (AVP) is a hands-on training program that prepares participants to deal with potentially violent conflict in new, positive, and creative ways. Schools in Rwanda are faced with various forms of violent conflict that students experience. Because of this problem, the Alternative to Violence program is the best solution to those violent students. 300 students from 10 secondary schools will be equipped with relevant skills to mitigate violence.
in Rwanda many young people suffer and commit violence. Most of the violence results from fighting. The fact is that; many young people do not even know how to resolve conflicts by avoiding violence because they lack knowledge. The majority of young people think that the kind of violence is only physical violence, they do not know other forms of violence. This is why peacebuilding is very vital for young people to be aware of violent conflict and gain skills on conflict transformation
The Alternative to Violence program will provide the right facilitators to positively change the school community. Young people will have time to share their experience and skills on the subject of conflict resolution in a non-violent way and will train their fallow subordinates. As school is a place of learning, we hope this project will cultivate culture of peace for a transgenerational period. having these people trained in AVP will them resorting their conflict peacefully.
This AVP project will help create awareness in schools and create a long coexistence among students. We hope that the generation can transmit a culture of peace to other generations. Students will share the knowledge gained with community member and help other students and community members to deal with conflict. This AVP will also help strengthen or improve different strategies people use to resolve conflict.
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