Angel House cares for up to twenty children from newborn to ten years in the Philippines. Our dedicated team of staff can transform a neglected or abused child into a happy, well adjusted individual that is ready to be re-united with their family or adopted by loving parents.
Poverty is widespread in the Philippines and almost half the country's children live below the poverty line. Armed conflict and recent natural disasters, such as Typhoon Yolanda and Typhoon Pablo, have torn apart families and left many children without parents or relatives to care for them. Abortion is illegal in the Philippines and so young teenagers or even victims of rape or incest have no choice but to give birth to an unwanted child. Angel House provides a safe haven for these children.
Our professional team provides a loving and caring home to these neglected, abused or abandoned children, preparing them to be re-united with their families or adopted by a family that will love and care for them. We provide nutritional meals, medical care and educational activities to develop their mental and physical skills during this critical stage in their development.
Angel House already had more than 20 children successfully adopted, giving them a family that will love and care for them in a safe and secure environment. We have many other children waiting to be adopted, making the dreams of the child and the adoptive parents come true. Our other children will be re-united with their own families after they have resolved their problems. The Angel House Social Worker continues to monitor the children after they have returned to their families.
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