This project is born in 2021, after one of Hearts of Gold Staff members gave birth to a premature baby girl names Amelia on a public hospital and saw the needs of the mothers that had no clothes or diapers to take their babies home, they came from rural areas and had to spend the night on the streets in order to remain close to their babies.
80% of the mothers that give birth on the public sector have no resources to buy medicine, clothes and diapers, sometimes they don't even have enough money to g home because they live in rural areas . This mothers that come from far away have to sped the night o the steers because they cant stay on the hospital with their babies.
This project will support this mothers and their babies during their first months of life. Providing diaper bags with basic products such as clothes blankets, diapers, shampoo, lotion, diaper rash cream, sanitary pads for the mother and more. besides that, we will help the babies with the medicine they need while in the ICU and vitamins for mother and child once they go home This project also provides education on planned parenthood, and basic care of a new born.
Our goal is to support this families for a few moths but besides that, we want to educate them and empower them through other programs we have at Hearts of Gold and help them become healthy, take good care of their babies and also prevent unwanted pregnancies. And once they are ready place them on our projects that generate job opportunities.
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