We are seeking to start our second program to help children living in poverty; kids that have only the rote learning of school and little stimulation or adult support within their home or institution. The School+Plus program is a proven approach to developing and empowering kids; it provides two hours of daily tutoring, art and music classes, regular health check-ups, and daily nutritious meals, in a caring and loving environment. And we're planning Adult Literacy Classes to help families.
When the school day is over, children in poor communities are left with nothing to do, often their parents are working, there is no one to connect with, and they are left to fend for themselves on the local streets. Our School+Program provides a stimulating environment that offers children the opportunity to explore their own ideas and treats them as unique and valuable individuals full of potential. We're seeking to establish this Second program following the success of School+Plus 1
Over the three years we have been running the program we have seen wonderful changes in the local kids, and by using local tutors and Nepal appropriate content we have enhanced their schooling and given the kids a boost in confidence that helps them realise their fuller potential. We are adding an Adult Literacy class utilising the same premises/staff as for School+Plus which has even wider benefits for families and the whole community.
Children in the program are be better equipped for achieving at school and that gives them a head-start toward their future opportunities. We're running our first School+plus program (Project #38299) with GG supporters and now seek to build on that. We need to secure MONTHLY SUPPORTERS as we will be extending three-year contracts to the instructors and also need to lease premises.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).