Akademia Przyszosci (the Academy of the Future) is a project which helps children with low self-esteem since 2003. The Academy is a safe, creative space where a child meets another person, an adult who wants to devote their time and attention to the child and be a wise companion for them. The Academy equips children with resources and experiences, thanks to which they can overcome the existing obstacles and cope in future adult life - above all, it helps children believe in their potential.
Our sources include also the internal evaluation of the previous edition of the Academy, found out that 71% of the children in the Academy have learning difficulties, 61% do not believe in themselves and 43% have problems in emotional and social development, 61% do not believe in their own capabilities; 37% have difficult relationships with their peers, 52% struggle with reading and writin, 14% are at risk of repeating the year.
Since the beggining of the project we have worked with over 22 000 children, by pairing them with personal tutors and ensuring developmental experience e.g. via one-on-one meeting and events with inspiring people. We create a safe, innovative space where a child meets a tutor-volunteer, who wants to devote their time and attention to the child and help them. We evaluated Academy every year - only in last year about 85% of the children found their strenghts and 82% finally believed in themselves.
Basing on our analysis and evaluations, our well-designed and most effective ways of helping children impact on their hole life. We are helpingchildren bolster their self-esteem, develop their strengths and skills, build up the sense of empowerment, independence and the belief that they can achieve their dreams and aspirations.In this year our goal is to inspire 2000 children to change their lives and start believing in themselves.
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