Aleimar wants to assure a quality, equal and inclusive education to 1107 Lebanese children. Our project aims at supporting Don Bosco Institute founded in 1974 by the Sisters Daughters of Maria Ausiliatrice, our local partner, in the Village of Hadath Baalbek. The Institute is made up of three buildings and hosts 282 children of the kindergarten, 623 students of the primary school and 202 students of the middle and high school, without distinction of sex, ethnicity, language or religion.
Because of the economic and financial crisis, a lot of families of Hadat Baalbek began not to pay school taxes. Moreover, the primary school no longer receives governmental grants and it has been forced to stop the construction of the building destined to high school students, which began two years before. In addition, The Institute is not able to obtain the necessary quantity of diesel oil in order to guarantee an adequate electric supply.
The project wants to guarantee a quality education for 1107 students through the following actions: - The coverage of the school taxes with the purpose of guaranteeing the school attendance of all the students; - The expansion of the building destined to the students of the middle and high school, improving the school environment; - The promotion of the energetic independence of Don Bosco Institute through the installation of 9 solar panels.
The project wants to support the most vulnerable children and families of Hadath Baaldek and the communities of the 12 bordering villages through the promotion of human and social capital thanks to the improvement of the school services provided by Don Bosco Institute. Furthermore, the activities of the project will allow to promote the energetic independence of the Institute through renewable sources, decreasing the costs destined to the electric supply.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).