Agrarian Institute student
From November to the present date, we received through GlobalGiving 902.76 dollars (USD) equivalent to 56,964.16 meticais (MZN). From this amount, with 802.76 (USD) equivalent to 50,654.16 MZN, we planted in the community of Machanga 160 trees and fruit plants: mango, papaya, orange and lemon trees, and pineapple plants. A few months ago, with this amount one could buy 340 seedlings of plants, but the cost of each plant has increased from 2.5 (USD) equivalent to about 160MZN to 5.4 (USD) equivalent to 350 (MZN). The remaining 100 (USD) equivalent MZN 6,310 was the cost of transport from Beira to Machanga, where the seedlings were planted.
Members of the agrarian association Kupedza Ulombo, an agro-livestock technician and a group of students from Machanga Agrarian Institute were present at the planting. The students of the Institute regularly do follow-ups in the communities regarding agrarian activities. The planting of fruit trees is very important because it will contribute to the improvement of the agro-forestry system, and in a long-term, it will enrich the students' and communities' families.
In recent years, there has been food insecurity because of cyclones, floods, and droughts. Currently, we have been affected for 3 weeks by heavy rains resulting from Cyclone Freddy. So, in addition to the food diet, planting trees will contribute to a balanced environment.
Association Kupedza Ulombo
Transporting plants
Students organizing seedlings of plants
Association and Agrarian Institute students