This micro project will buy water purifiers to 50 House Holds for the 5 communities in central Uganda.More than twice the population of Ugandans lives without access to safe water.Using water purifiers reduces diarrheal disease, the second leading killer of children under 5.
Majority of this community fetches unclean water from un protected water sources, 1% of the House Holds in this community boils water for drinking which has lead to increase in diarrhea related illnesses; approximately one in nine people in this community drink clean and safe water.
This micro project will purchase 50 water purifiers.Each House Hold will receive 01 water filter to enable them drink safe and clean purified water. Water filters provide safe and better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants.
The use of a water filter filter results in a source of clean, healthy water that costs much less than bottled water. Its more cheaper to use it as compared to boiling water that costs a lot of fuel and charcoal.